It's a heavy film, he plays a heroin addict named Dan and he falls girl put by Abbie Cornish named Candy.
So, it's about their relationship and not only their love for each other but their love for the drug, and them dealing with heroin addiction. So we get to hear the film through like a narration from Dan and it's broken up in three different parts called : heaven, earth and hell. It's pretty much like the overview of their relationship, as well as their addiction to the drug. It starts off like a romantic film pretty much Candy, it was like an aspiring actress, she was a college student when she met Dan and she wasn't really an addict, she wasn't a junkie and she got addicted when she was living with him. Eventually she becomes a call-girl prostitute and then just a full-fledged just junkie by the end of it. It's a very self-destructing and hard to watch.
The direction, everything is very powerful here. I'm not going to give too much spoilers away but this is not for the faint of heart, again. It's nice seeing the story of the relationship and also how self-destructive they become. Not only as individuals with their addiction but with each other. In the relationship and the addiction, which one's going to take over their love for each other, their love of the drug. And that's very interesting, dynamic in this film.