Directed by Spike Jonze
"Her" is the first feature film written by acclaimed director Spike Jonze, notorious for his partnership with oscar-winning writer Charlie Kaufman for previous projects such as "Being John Malkovich" and "Adaptation".
Watching "Her" is strangely familiar experience with the soundtrack cinematography and acting, providing an emotional depth to the film that is scarce in the industry today. Jonze took what we know and developed it into the believable future. This is the key to the film, while many film set in the future give an exact date of start, Jonze never tells us. It is implied future that could be 10 or 100 thousand years away. The world is all intensive purposes the same, the technology is logical and not forced, it is how a future would logically be evolved from our present state.
What Jonze really wants to explore is character, emotion, the setting facilitates rather than dictates this.
So what does "Her" truly explore. "Her" explores love, as a concept and pulls the boundaries of it.
Jonze presents the case for a person being beautiful, because you love them. Love is the bridge into beauty, love is first, love knows no bounds and isn't quantifiable. Above all, love is what makes us alive. The capacity to love, is what makes Samantha alive. Her beauty is the eye of the beholder and importantly is to be found after love, not before.